About NVUP

Development of Higher Education is a primary condition for the socio-economic development and societal transformation. It builds the critical human capital necessary for research, innovation, growth and development across all sectors of economy. Inclusive access to higher education can thus transform our strong demographic advantage into a peaceful, modern and prosperous society. To fully benefit from the prevailing demographic reality, we need to educate our people in the shortest possible time. However, supply of qualified faculty vis-`a-vis demand is the single largest challenge in accomplishing the task without compromising the quality of education. A practical solution to the problem is the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) tools to deliver education while maintaining high and internationally compatible standards of education.
National Virtual University is a unit of National Council for Skill development and Professional Education Mission registered with NITI AAYOG Govt.Of India and is the pioneer virtual university to leverage the use of ICT in imparting the best possible education to its students all over the country including the remote areas as well as across the world. With its extremely flexible mode, Virtual NVUP enables the students to manage their studies at their convenience and offers every opportunity to discover hidden talents.